• Outshine with success!

    Success comes in many forms—not just ribbons!

Combine your new skills, and OUTSHINE in more arenas than the show ring!

Once you combine your new skills in the ability to focus with your correct biomechanics, you will outshine for sure! The goals you set for yourself will be forthcoming. The positive feeling of daily successes will radiate out of you! Don’t be surprised if other riders at your barn get jealous of your speedy improvements and positive attitude.

As your daily rides improve, your relationship with your horse may also improve.

You may notice that your horse starts coming to you in the field, or looks for more rubs and attention from you or that their ears are softer and more forward during your ride.

Use your newfound joy and do more with your horse. Have fun!

Don’t get stuck in a rut by constantly riding in an arena. Try your newfound joy in more challenging situations. Change things up by “cross-training” your mindset. Get out with your horse more. In addition to shows, go to clinics, do demonstrations with people watching, or go on a hack. It will do you and your partner a world of good!

Getting your horse out for field trips is a great way to bond and grow trust. Hacks, either on or off property, allows your horse to relax and have a well-deserved “brain-break” from arena work.

Let the shining, winning glow come from within!

From applying The Basics, you’ll know the importance of reflection and relaxation. It is imperative to let new skills sink in, and acquire the feeling when called upon. It’s helpful to confirm small steps of success.

Enjoy your moments of baby steps forward!