Working with ‘focus’ on many levels

The ability to focus on the right thing, to the right degree, for the right amount of time is the difference between winning and losing. The difference between accomplishing your goals and dreams and staying stagnate where you are.

coffee, dressage riding gloves, and a note that says, "Focus and Reflect"

Focusing is multi-faceted.  Knowing how to utilize each facet correctly takes time.  Training the mind is time worth spent! Unfortunately, few riders understand the importance of this skill and therefore put little to no effort at improving it!

Learn techniques and practice ways to improve your ability to focus in all sorts of situations; at shows, doing a shoulder-in, riding past scary spots. All require different kinds of focus. Work your mind; knowing how to help yourself is the first step towards success!

Try these basic exercises


The beginning of every ride should start with conscious breathing.

Focus on your breathing. Can you feel what part of your body expands: your chest or your abdomen? Most riders breathe in the top half of their bodies.

Try the following exercises, and you will start to feel softening in your shoulders and improved focus.

Choose the method that is best for you that day.  Sometimes you will do two types of breathing to get into the right frame of mind for riding.

Choose joy and encourage yourself

Be aware of how you speak to yourself

During a ride, notice each time you say a negative word to yourself.

Try noticing the emotion you have just before the words formulated. Was it fear, frustration, worry that you’re not good enough, or maybe self-doubt?

Recognizing your triggers is the first step towards positive change.